by betty | Aug 8, 2018 | Artist and Organizations, Arts Integration, Events, News, Uncategorized
Every year, we hear from our teachers that one of the barriers in providing quality arts learning is one simple thing: supplies. To get ready for the school year, you can support our teachers during our School Art Supply Week August 27-31, 2018! We are partnering with...
by betty | Jun 7, 2018 | Artist and Organizations, Arts Integration, Events, From the Field, News, Schools Program, Theatre, Uncategorized
The auditorium was filled with parents and students last week at Abbottston Elementary School for the performance of “Rats!” organized by music teacher Ariel Wirsching. Abbottsston Elementary is an Arts Every Day Partner School who has throughout the...
by betty | Jun 5, 2018 | Arts Integration, Events, From the Field, Impact Fund, Mural, News, Schools Program, Student Art, Uncategorized
Students, faculty, staff and community members gathered at Vivien T. Thomas Medical Arts Academy on Friday afternoon on June 1st to recognize the hard work and dedication put into the school’s new bright and colorful mural that will now greet every person that...
by betty | Apr 26, 2018 | Advocacy, Arts Integration, Events, News
ARTS MAKE SCHOOLS BETTER Baltimore City Schools and the Baltimore Arts Education Initiative are proud to share a new arts education strategic plan. With a focus on equity, the arts education plan seeks to ensure every City Schools student has access to visual art,...
by betty | Mar 21, 2018 | Arts Integration, Events, Mural, News, Schools Program, Student Art
Arts Every Day is happy to book end the school year with our annual student exhibition at the Walters Art Museum! Arts Every Day’s annual exhibit showcases how teachers integrate visual arts, music, dance, theater, and media across grade levels and subject...
by betty | Dec 20, 2017 | Advocacy, Artist and Organizations, Events, News
On September 28, 2017, Baltimore City Public Schools in partnership with Arts Every Day launched the Baltimore Arts Education Initiative (BAEI), a community supported strategic planning process to increase equitable access to the arts in Baltimore City Public Schools....