In late September/early October traditional schools will be able to access ~$200 per student to support Fine Arts, Enrichment, and Athletics. This is a tremendous opportunity for Baltimore City Fine Arts teachers to GO BIG. Arts Every Day has created a 12 minute video outlining what we know about the funding as of right now and how Fine Arts teachers can be prepared to make the most of it.
This arts-specific funding was announced as part of the Reconnect, Restore, Re-Imagine Plan released by the Baltimore City Public School district in August 2021. The plan outlines how Federal funds from the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Fund will be spent. Learn from our Executive Director, Julia DiBussolo, as she takes a deep dive into how the funds came to be and what this means for the arts in Baltimore City Public Schools.
Need help building a budget? We have you covered! Scroll to the bottom of the page for a budget template and other helpful links.
Budget Tools + Links
Baltimore City Public Schools Issued Budget Guidance
Slideshow Presentation: Slideshow Presentation PDF Download
Planning + Budget Template:
Find your School Enrollment: https://www.baltimorecityschools.org/schools
Additional Resources:
Arts Education in Maryland Schools (AEMS)
For more information on the R3 Plan, ways to get involved, or have an arts education story you want to share, please contact us at info@artseveryday.org.