“When we would have our interviews and when people from the school board were coming to visit us…it was just really interesting to get their take on things and see how it aligned or if it did align with us.”


City Neighbors High School

“The thing about being a student is the overwhelmingness that comes with work and just living and being young. Sometimes acting for your own education isn’t the first thought in your mind. I’m sure there are so many students who would love to but they don’t know how to start. We need to advocate more and we need people to advocate more for us.”


Baltimore School for the Arts

“What stood out for me, was how all of us could research and then come back and do the presentation… It felt like we all contributed to it and put in the work. And it was really good. I felt like we really got somewhere with the audience…. Yeah.”


Baltimore School for the Arts


BYAAC P.S.A.A: Kourtney McCleary Introduction!

Welcome back to our B'more Youth Arts Advocacy Council P.S.A.As! Today we will be introducing...

BYAAC P.S.A.A: Troy Stull Introduction!

Welcome back to our B'more Youth Arts Advocacy Council P.S.A.As! Today we will be introducing...

BYAAC P.S.A.A: Thelma Williams Introduction!

Welcome back to our B'more Youth Arts Advocacy Council P.S.A.As! Today we will be introducing...

BYAAC P.S.A.A: Ky’Mera Pauling Introduction!

Welcome back to our B'more Youth Arts Advocacy Council P.S.A.As! Today we will be introducing...

For more information, you may email Baltimore Arts Education Initiative Manager, Sheena Morrison at sheena@artseveryday.org