Parent Advisory Group

Arts Every Day is launching an initiative for families to strengthen (or begin) organized advocacy efforts to ensure that young children and youth remain at the forefront of the district’s arts education policy and budget debates. The mission of the initiative is to equip families with the tools (knowledge) necessary for engaging in school and district level decision making arts education policy for BCPS K-12 youth. This will be a family-led initiative based on an empowerment model of community outreach and education. 

Two parent-leaders will be selected to receive training in communication, and legislative and budget advocacy. Selected candidates will meet for a total of 5 hours per month and receive a monthly honorarium of $150 for their time.  

Together we will:

  1. Learn about the mechanics of how local, state and federal budgets and policies are developed and link the impact of these policies to the daily experiences of children and families
  2. Write and give effective testimony at hearings and other public forums
  3. Learn media advocacy skills such as writing effective editorial letters, organizing press conferences and doing media interviews.
  4. Establish an understanding of the arts as a core part of K-12 curriculum through art-making and policy sessions.

Parent Leader Responsibilities Include:

  • Meet for a total of 5 hours per month that will include training, meeting with local leaders and participating in the Baltimore Arts Education Initiative Advisory Committee
  • Work with the Baltimore Arts Education Initiative (BAEI) Manager to help organize and plan eight monthly art and policy sessions (Oct-June)
  • Build a list of community stakeholders that will include the fathers, mothers, grandparents, aunts, uncles, siblings, cousins, friends and neighbors of BCPS youth for the specific purpose of mobilizing for the arts.

Selection Criteria: 

  1. Be a parent or guardian of a child in BSPS district
  2. Interest in helping to protect and expand equitable access to quality arts education and cultural experiences for your child and other children
  3. Access to reliable internet and device 
  4. Be able to articulate values and beliefs about arts learning.
  5. Be comfortable with the idea of recruiting other parents as arts advocates in the community.

Click the button for the Parent Arts Advocacy Leaders Application