Impact Fund Call for Proposals

 The Arts Every Day’s Impact Fund awards up to $5,000 for 2-4 Baltimore City Public Schools who implement an outcome based art project that will have a long- term educational impact on their students and the surrounding community.

Starting in 2014, AED has offered project based funds to our partner Baltimore City Public Schools providing teachers an avenue to use the arts as a source of community building, healing, and understanding. We know in our hearts – backed up by hard evidence – that arts education dramatically increases student, parent and teacher engagement, while improving student attendance, participation, engagement, and reading proficiency. It helps students: • Connect to the larger world, improving community cohesion; • Learn more and score higher on standardized tests; • Experience more community and family involvement globally.


A Baltimore City Public School teacher who will be the lead coordinator for the project applies online with a project concept, proposed artist partner/ provider, budget and timeline—including at least one community outreach day and unveiling event. Applications will be reviewed by a panel of community members and AED partners.



  • Applicant must be a Baltimore City Public School
  • Project must include one community workday and/or event
  • Project must be permanent/site specific
  • Proposed budget must not exceed $5,000
  • Projects must be completed by June 2020
  • Projects proposals must include a letter of support from the school’s Principal

Grant Timeline:

Oct. 1st / Call for Proposals Dec. 1st / Proposals due January 2020 / Winners Notified June 14th / Project completion deadline

2017 Impact Fund Award Winners

2018 Impact Fund Award Winners

For more information, please contact Betty Gonzales- Development and Communications Coordinator at 410-685-1172 or
