We are excited to highlight Yoga In Classrooms And Schools Consulting in this year’s Arts and Cultural Spotlight series! Their innovative workshop, Creating Compelling Characters Using Yoga and Mindfulness, guides students in using yoga and meditation techniques to connect with their personal emotions and experiences, bringing depth to the characters they create for theatre and writing projects. Through body scan meditations and yoga flows, students will explore what it feels like to fully embody their characters, enhancing their performances in a natural way. This unique arts integration workshop offers a creative and mindful approach to character development, perfect for students looking to elevate their theatre arts experience.

What can educators expect from Creating Compelling Characters Using Yoga and Mindfulness?

In this workshop, students will learn how to use yoga and mindfulness to draw on personal experiences to develop compelling, “real-life” characters for theatre works! Students will be guided through a body scan meditation, to identify emotions, feelings, and sensations that are present for them. They’ll then begin to identify what embodying those emotions might look / sound like for their characters. Finally, they’ll practice a few yoga flows, first as themselves, then as their characters, to really begin to practice what it’s like to move as their character so that when performance time comes, it feels natural to them.

How is this program an arts integration lesson?

This program allows students to perform more than just a basic skit, but rather, it allows them to fully embrace theatre arts standards as well as possibly incorporating standards from other subjects.

    Why should teachers and students be excited about Creating Compelling Characters Using Yoga and Mindfulness?

    Developing compelling characters for theatre and writing projects can be challenging. It’s easy to get stuck in a box, and this will allow students to bring more of themselves into their characters, creating a stronger connection between students and the character they are developing for theatre or written works.

    Anything else teachers should know about Creating Compelling Characters Using Yoga and Mindfulness?

    This is an on-site workshop!

    Don’t forget–for SY24/25, all Baltimore City Schools are able to apply for up to $2,500 in funding support for school-day arts experiences booked through AED’s Arts Directory, including Creating Compelling Characters Using Yoga and Mindfulness!