The 10×10 Exhibit on VOICE is designed to spread awareness to issues that both define and connect us all. Every voice projects the individuality of its speaker. Our voices are incomparable, affirming, and pivotal to our ability to truly bring change into this world. These pieces come from students of all ages and identities, allowing us to open our eyes to new perspectives on many issues. Each piece is impactful in its own way as students use their creativity to educate, inform, and inspire others as well as themselves to bring about change in their lives and in their communities.
These works show us that change is good, desired and needed. They reveal what is on the minds of Baltimore City’s youth, how they push their realistic boundaries while acknowledging events going on in the world around them. These works are a glimpse into our future and what our youth hold to be important and worth fighting for. What are you fighting for? How will you use your voice?
Learn more about this year’s 10X10 Exhibit on VOICEArts Every Day is proud to present its fifth annual 10×10 Exhibit, featuring over 130 works of art created by Baltimore City Public School students and teachers in response to a culturally relevant body of work, movement, or theme. Each year, the 10×10 Exhibit offers students and teachers a platform to use visual art as a tool for exploring complex ideas and perceptions.
The theme for the 2021 10X10 Exhibit is VOICE. With so much going on in the world today, the need to listen to the voices of our youth is so paramount, especially because the decisions we make today will impact the world our children will grow up in tomorrow. For this exhibit, we invited students and teachers of Baltimore City Public Schools to think about ways art, in its many forms can be used to inform, create discourse, and further understanding. This call for art encouraged students to use whatever creative outlet suited their intended message or their call to action.
This year’s 10X10 Exhibit, like so many other events, looks a little different this year. To ensure the health and safety of students, teachers, and families, we decided to take the exhibit online knowing that the artworks submitted would undoubtedly be just as powerful and meaningful as the years before. When you view these works, we ask that you take a moment to reflect on on how this year’s submissions are coming from virtual learners. The works you see are a result of creatively utilizing the very limited resources and technology available to both teachers and students at home and how those limitations were overcome so that their voices could be heard.
Arts Every Day partnered with the Enoch Pratt Free Library and the One Book Baltimore Program to offer teachers and students access to programming and resources related to 2020’s selection: We Speak For Ourselves by D. Watkins.
We also partnered with University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC) Center for Art, Design and Visual Culture (CADVC) through a generous grant from the Charlesmead Foundation to celebrate and elevate voices of Baltimore City students and teachers, engage students in conversation, reflection, & creation inspired by Southern Rites, and connect students to the impactful work of CADVC, UMBC.
The 10X10 Exhibit is supported in part by the Maryland State Arts Council’s Creativity Grant. Visit for more information.
View list of participating schools & organizationsAccess Art
Archbishop Curley High School
Baltimore Polytechnic Institute
Barclay Elementary School
Bard High School Early College
Commodore John Rodgers Elementary Middle
ConneXions: A Community Based Arts School
Creative City Public Charter School
Curtis Bay Elementary Middle School
Glenmount Elementary Middle School
Highlandtown Elementary Middle School #215
Lakeland Elementary Middle School
MICA Art & Design College Accelerator Program
Mergenthaler Vocational Technical High School
Paul Laurence Dunbar High School
REACH! Partnership School
Roland Park Elementary Middle School
Waverly Elementary Middle School
Wildwood Elementary Middle School

Makayla Colon
Senior at Bard High School Early College
Justin Fowlkes
Senior at Archbishop Curley High School
Faith Maduka
Senior at Bard High School Early College
Ty’Candice Smith
Senior at REACH! Partnership School
The curatorial team met over their winter break to view the artwork, discuss related themes, and wrote the curatorial statement you see today. Together, they worked as a team to develop their networking, communications, and critical thinking skills as they analyzed each piece and how it tied into the exhibit’s theme of VOICE.

10X10 Exhibit Opening Reception Hosted by Baltimore Museum of Art
Our opening reception is virtual! Join Arts Every Day, the 10X10 Exhibit Youth Curators, and guest speaker Jessica Solomon as the Baltimore Museum of Art hosts our official 10X10 Exhibit reception during their Violet Hour program.
More to Come
One Book Baltimore 2020
One Book Baltimore is a collaboration among several local organizations to provide opportunities for Baltimore City 7th and 8th graders, their families, and community members to connect through literature by reading the same book.
10X10 Partners with UMBC’s Southern Rites Exhibit
The 10X10 Exhibit is supported in part by the Maryland State Arts Council’s Creativity Grant.
Visit for more information.