On Saturday, March 11th, a day-long symposium will bring together practitioners, stakeholders, educators and advocates to envision the next ten years of arts and arts education in Baltimore City. See below to hear about some of our featured workshops that will teach you new techniques, get you moving, and collaborating! Download the full schedule of workshops here.

Register for the Symposium!

General Admission: $40

Educator Admission: $25


Don’t Sweat the Technique: Hip Hop Strategies for the Classroom and the Stage

Join educator, performing artist, and choreographer Paige Hernandez to explore innovative hip hop teaching methods, activities and exercises to supplement curriculum and/or to use in performance pieces. The workshop will show how each hip hop element (Emcee, DJ, Graffiti and B-boy) can easily be transformed into exercises or performance pieces. Participants will actively engage in each hip hop element. If there‘s time at the end, we‘ll share the genius.


Theater of the Oppressed: Theater Action Group 

Come and learn about using theater to unpack how race manifests in educational spaces and teaching practices. Participants will examine their own proximity in upholding, deconstructing, or passive complacency of white supremacy on a social and political scale. After taking this workshop, participants can use the knowledge they learn to reexamine their classroom instruction as teachers or their personal advocacy.

Felting with Jerrolyn Hollinger 

Come and learn the basics of felting to create a felted artist trading card with a theme based design. Participants can exchange addresses with the participant they would like to trade their card with!


PaperBase Printmaking Workshop 

Are you interested in using printmaking in your practice or in the classroom, but don’t have a press? Emily Cucalon and Sarah Robbins from PaperBase will lead a hand-printing workshop where each participant will receive a raised linoleum block and learn how to draw for print, transfer their image, carve, and print by hand. Participants will leave with a small set of their own prints, carved block, and the knowledge to keep on printing without using a printing press!

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Arts Integrated Observational Drawing with Live Animals 

Rabbits, lizards, and snakes – oh my! Join Brittany Roger from the Drawing Zoo and draw from some of her live animals she uses in her arts integrated lessons.  Participants will also get to learn about establishing an artist-educator run business  And how to incorporate observational drawing into classroom instruction.


Dance Workshop with Sankofa Dance Theater

This interactive dance and movement based workshop will teach participants how to integrate African dance art forms into other school subject areas (math, science, visual art) or how to use regularly use African dance in the classroom. Participants will get a basic understanding on how to use African Art forms in classroom instruction with students while learning its use in arts integration.