[COURSE OFFERING ONE] Methods and Strategies for Teaching Art
Synchronous meet times are Mondays and Wednesdays, June 17 – July 8, 2024, 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
(with additional asynchronous coursework via modules)
ONLINE: A methods course focused on strategies used in teaching Visual Art, PreK-12, this seminar involves the search of one’s own studio investigations for metaphors and themes, which then become the focus of the construction of units of study. Students develop unit materials including: research on art and artists, formation of an elegant problem, experimentation with materials, creation of a prototype, design of teaching visuals, assessment process and criteria, and a written unit plan with ideas for adapting the unit to different grade levels. As a result, students select and apply a variety of strategies for exploring form and materials, developing symbolic and academic language, and different ways of knowing and thinking in art. Class meetings involve studio investigations, presentations, discussions, and group work. This course is intended for new teachers in the field, fulfills 3-credits toward Maryland Teaching Certification, and is approved by the Maryland State Department of Education; however, it could also be applicable to veteran teachers who wish to renew their own artistic practice and develop new instructional units.
Cost: $1,350. Credits: 3.
[COURSE OFFERING TWO] Developing Critical Literacies – Reading in the Content Area, Part I
Synchronous meet times are on Tuesday, June 18; Thursday, June 20; Tuesday, June 25; Thursday June 27; Tuesday July 2; Friday July 5, 2024, 5:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
(with additional asynchronous coursework via modules)
ONLINE: A literacy course focused on strategies for integrating literacy with visual art at all levels, PreK-12, this seminar involves development of art experiences, grounded in chosen themes and aligned with MD art and literacy standards, which become the framework for integrating relevant and developmentally appropriate literacy strategies for visual art students, PreK-12. Class meetings involve artistic responses, presentations, discussions, and lectures. This course will promote alignment and expedited feedback around lesson planning and art + literacy integration, ensuring that students grow and flourish in teaching literacy as the root of the arts. Students will gain necessary hands-on experience to activate their creativity in order to integrate art and core content across disciplines. Students will be exploring the tools and resources teachers need to support developing readers. This course is intended for new teachers in the field, conditionally certified teachers, and veteran teachers who wish to gain more strategies for integrating literacy in their art classrooms. It fulfills 3-credits toward Maryland Teaching Certification and is approved by the Maryland State Department of Education, meeting the standards for Literacy in the Content Area – Part I.
Cost: $1,350. 3 credits.