This week, Arts Every Day and City Schools colleagues brought a slice of Baltimore energy to the Any Given Child/Partners in Education conference, an annual convening held by The Kennedy Center. Each year, we are thrilled to hear from states and cities across the country working to advance equitable access to the arts through collective impact, partnerships, and community engagement. This year, Arts Every Day’s teacher partner, Lety Flores, shared a slice of the work she developed during our Baltimore Arts Integration Project summer intensive.

Lety’s presentation focused on the intersection of arts integrated teaching, neuroeducation and how Brain Targeted Teaching. Not only did Lety share practical strategies for engaging multi-language learners, she shared examples of how she creates a safe linguistic space where students can take risks, make mistakes, and express ideas through writing, drawing, movement, and tableau.

Want to learn more about simple to implement strategies that align with Baltimore City curriculum? Sign up for a free account in our learning management system, Thinkific, and gain access to short video tutorials, slides, and printable resources to help you make your classroom a creative learning space.